Survivorship (administration without a grant for joint assets)

Home » Survivorship (administration without a grant for joint assets)

In some cases, a grant of Probate or a grant of Letters of Administration is not required. This is usually the case with Spouses who jointly owned all assets of the Estate.

Where an asset is jointly owned and one co-owner dies the share of the deceased person passes automatically to the surviving co-owner. There is what is called a “right of survivorship”.

How do I get the jointly owned property into my name?

If you are the sole survivor of real property, then the team at ALA Law can assist you to effect survivorship of that property into your name without the need for Probate.

This is affected through a Notice of Death which is done online with PEXA.

The cost associated with this process is minimal when compared to the Cost of grant from the Supreme Court.

The Deceased and I had bank accounts together, how do we get them only in my name?

The team at ALA law can assist you to effect survivorship of jointly held accounts be liaising directly with the Deceased Estates team of each bank.

This is done by providing a certified copy of the Death certificate of the Deceased to the bank, who will then attend to rolling the accounts to the survivor.

Where to from here?

Give the experienced lawyers at ALA Law a call to discuss we can assist you with effecting survivorship, or hop over to our “Get Started Now page” to lodge an instant enquiry to start your matter.

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