Family Law Accredited Specialist

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No other Family Law firm in Western Sydney and Penrith Region can give you the level of skill, knowledge and specialty that ALA Law Offers.

 At ALA Law the firm is headed by Principal Director Amanda Little and Partners  Rosemary Aloisio and Bernadette Melhem who are Accredited Specialists in Family Law.

Special Counsel Nicole Tabone and Senior Associate Carli Heald is also an Accredited Specialist in Family Law.

Why should you choose a Family Law Accredited Specialist?Accredited Family Law Specialists

It’s simple – Your matter needs an expert, someone who can provide you with knowledgeable advice.

Our experienced Family Law Solicitors have the skill and knowledge to lead you through what can sometimes be a complex process.

Specialist Accreditation is determined by the Law Society’s Specialist Accreditation Scheme. The Accreditation is highest recognition of a Solicitors skill. Accreditation means they have expert knowledge and can provide expert advice in their area of accreditation.

How does a Solicitor become a Family Law Accredited Specialist?

It isn’t easy!

The Solicitor must:

  1. Have been practising for a minimum of five years full time;
  2. Have been practising in Family Law for a minimum of three years;
  3. Pass the Law Society’s rigorous assessments which then determines that they meet the high level of expertise required

Family Law Accreditation is an acknowledgement by their peers of a high level of expertise and competency in the area of Family Law of a Solicitor.

Our Family Law Accredited Specialists

Amanda Little – Family Law Accredited Specialist

Rosemary Aloisio

Rosemary Aloisio – Family Law Accredited Specialist

Bernadette Melhem – Family Law Accredited Specialist

Nicole Tabone – Family Law Accredited Specialist

Carli Heald – Family Law Accredited Specialist

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for our Family Law Accredited Specialists?

Please contact ALA Law for relevant advice and help

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